As part of a broader organisational restructure, data networking research at Swinburne University of Technology has moved from the Centre for Advanced Internet Architecture (CAIA) to the Internet For Things (I4T) Research Lab.

Although CAIA no longer exists, this website reflects CAIA's activities and outputs between March 2002 and February 2017, and is being maintained as a service to the broader data networking research community.


Journal articles

Branch, P. "Lawful Interception of the Internet," The International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, Issue 1, Spring 2003.

Conference papers

P. Branch, A. Heyde, G. Armitage, "Rapid Identification of Skype Traffic,"19th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Williamsburg, Virginia. June 3-5, 2009

A. Rojas, P. Branch, G. Armitage, "Predictive Lawful Interception in Mobile IPv6 Networks," 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2007), Adelaide, South Australia, 19-21 November 2007.

A. Rojas., P. Branch, G. Armitage, "Efficient Lawful Interception in Mobile IPv6 Networks," Australian Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference 2006, Melbourne (ATNAC2006), Australia, 4-6 December 2006.

A. Rojas., P. Branch, G. Armitage, "Validation of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model Through a Real World Mobility Trace," IEEE Region 10 Conference (Tencon'05), Melbourne, 21-24 November 2005

A. Rojas., P. Branch, G. Armitage, "Experimental Validation of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model Through a Real World Mobility Trace for Large Geographical Areas," Eigth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Montreal, Canada, October 10-13, 2005

A. Rojas, P. Branch, “Lawful Interception for Mobile IP networks – A Mobile Agent based Approach”, Australian Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC), Sydney, December 8-10, 2004

A. Rojas, P. Branch, “Lawful Interception based on Sniffers in Next Generation Networks”, Australian Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC), Sydney, December 8-10, 2004

P. Branch, G. Armitage, A. Pavlicic, “Using MAC Addresses in the Lawful Interception of IP Traffic”, Australian Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC), Sydney, December 8-10, 2004

S. Kouhbor, P. Branch, "Minimising Cost of Lawful Interception in Mobile IP", Australian Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC), Melbourne, December 8-10, 2003

P. Branch, "Lawful Interception of IP Traffic", Proceedings of Australian Telecommunications, Networking and Applications Conference 2003 (ATNAC2003), Melbourne, December 8-10,  2003.

Technical reports

A. Rojas, "SPLIT- An ISPs Interception Tool based on RADIUS Authentication", (html) CAIA Technical Report 040220B, February 2004.

A. M. Pavlicic, A. Rojas, "Setting Up RADIUS Authentication and Authorisation in a FreeBSD Environment", (html) CAIA Technical Report 040220A, February 2004

P. Branch, "Lawful Interception of the Internet," (pdf) CAIA Technical Report 030606A, June 2003.

W. Harrop, "Real time interception and filtering of instant messaging protocols," (pdf) CAIA Technical Report 030919A, September 2003.

N. Williams, J. Ly, "Prototype Development for Secure Public Instant Messaging (IM) At Work," CAIA Technical Report 041123A, November 2004.

L. Stewart, "Sources of Error When Identifying Misuse of Corporate Internet Services - A Cautionary Note," CAIA Technical Report 040224A, February 2004.

P.A. Branch, "Lawful Interception - Historical context and future challenges for Internet Service Providers," (pdf) CAIA Technical Report 030514A, May 2003



Last Updated: Thursday 17-Sep-2009 14:36:05 AEST | Maintained by: Philip Branch ([email protected]) | Authorised by: Grenville Armitage ( [email protected])